Thursday, November 1, 2007

Black & White Ball [[with some Madonna on top!]]

Hello everyone!! Last night was the Black & White Ball at school. Everyone had to get dressed up, and they taught how to do different dances for about an hour. We learned the waltz, a swing dance, and different dances like that. It was fun learning them, but after awhile it got a little boring. They weren't playing any other music, other then teaching the dances. Finally they started to play songs, but everyone had pretty much left early because they wanted to dance!

We went to town after, to K Pasa. It was Madonna night! Wooo! I love Madonna so I was pretty pumped for that. And it was also Brandon's birthday, so everyone was going into town for that. It was such a fun time! I danced like crazy.. I was a dancing machine! Lol. Got home a little late, but I still made it to class. And it was well-worth it! I don't go into town too often, so it was a nice little break from the Harlaxton Bistro.

Tomorrow, we're going to London for a field trip, and then on Saturday I'm off to Cadbury World. Very excited about that! I'll post more soon! Here's a ton of pictures from last night!

Miss you all!


1 comment:

Mommy & Daddy said...

Wow...does it look like you all had alot of fun. So, glad to see that all of those years of dance, tap, ballet & hip-hop have paid off Tiffany. You should be such a expert on the dance floor. LOL
You all look beautiful & handsome in your "black & white".
Knock em' dead everyone