Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Hello Everyone!! Sorry I haven't updated lately.. but my computer hasn't been reading my card so I couldn't post up any pictures!! But it's working now.. so here's my trip to Wales!

We left Friday, October 5th, at 9a.m. We stopped in Chester, England for lunch. Hailey,[[Elizabeth's roomate]] & I went to McDonald's to get some ice cream. It was quite hilarious there because they had burgers that were the "Great Tastes Of America". I'm pretty sure they didn't resemble anything we eat at home! Lol. Then we went to the Cathedral, but didn't go inside, and we walked around the Roman Ruins.. ! It was a pretty little city. After that it was off to Wales! Llandudno, Wales to be exact. It's a cute little beach-side city, that is mainly filled with older people during off seasons. Our hotel was right on the waterfront though. And it was gorgeous!! Hailey, Elizabeth & I walked around and went to a pub for dinner. Everything closes @ 6pm and there wasn't much night life there, so we headed back to the hotel room and headed to bed early.

Saturday, Oct. 6, got up and went to bfast. Full English bfast [[bacon, eggs, sausage, toast.. ]] The food was good, but the service was sucky! we had to Caernarfon Castle then. The castle was very cool! Prince Charles was crowned the Prince of Wales here by his "mum" Queen Elizabeth II. It was a cute little castle... tons of holes to crawl into! After that we went to the LLechwedd Slate Caverns. We got to go into the deep mines, and look around down there. It was cold and dark-- a bit scary!! But it was tons of fun! Us girls went to dinner that night again, and then headed to the beach to splash around and play in the sand. Off to bed early again too!

Sunday, Oct. 7, we got up a bit later and went to bfast. Then we went to see if any of the souvenir shops were open, since they hadn't been open the whole time we were there!! The good news is they were! Yay! After that we headed to the Waterfalls... They were gorgeous!! Not as cool as the ones in Ireland, because we couldn't step in the rocks or anything. But still equally as breathtaking!

All-in-all the weekend was very relaxing and gorgeous!

The picture uploader isn't working on blogspot right now, but i'll add them on here as soon as it starts working!!

Miss you!

1 comment:

Mommy & Daddy said...

Hello Tiffany,

Wow....sounds as though you had a very Relaxing, Adventurous, & Beautiful week-end.

Your pictures are just breath taking. The colors changing make them even more beautiful than I think they would normally be. You are such a lucky young lady to be there during this time...when God can show you even the little things like the colors of changing seasons.

I hope you got pic's of your hotel and the water front. Pic's of you in the water.....how everyone that knows my daughter, knows how she LOVES the Oceans. LOL

Can't wait to see you next pic's of Bradleys visit to England to see you.

Hugs & Kisses