Thursday, October 25, 2007

Brad && Barb Came To England!

Hello everyone! Sorry this post is a little delayed, but I've been sick this week and have been spending a whole lot of time SLEEPING!! But I'll go back and tell you what's been going on the past couple days.
Friday, the 12th, was spent doing homework and watching t.v. Leah didn't go anywhere either, so the two of us just hung out all day. We did go into town for a little bit and did some window shopping.

Saturday, the 13th, Brad & Barb flew in. They got in really late, so I decided just to meet them on Sun. Leah and I went to the Baptist Church in the morning and then went to the train station after. Leah hung out with me while I waited for Brad and Barb. Once they got here we went to their hotel, and Leah went back to school. After that we walked to town & had some dinner. Then we came to the manor. I gave Brad & Barb the tour of Harlaxton, and then we went back to the hotel. We went and sat in the "spa bath"! It was soo fun & relxing.

The next couple days Brad and Barb traveled around England while I was in classes. Then at night I went back to the hotel and hung out with them.

On Wednesday, I had a field trip for British Studies to Belvoir [[pronounced "Beaver"]] Castle & Southwell. Belvoir Castle was GORGEOUS!! The Duke of Rutland lives there now with his family. And the place.. the place was gorgeous! There was a billion rooms, and they had their own little chapel. And a huuuuuge library! Very jealous! The Southwell place is a workhouse. During the Victorian times they would send poor people there to teach them not to be poor. It was a little boring because all the rooms were empty. But it was still pretty cool to see the whole thing. That night there was a talent show at school and Brad & Barb came to it.

On Thursday after classes, the three of us headed off to London. We got to the hotel, went to dinner, and then headed off to bed.

Friday morning, we woke up, got bfast, and then went on a double decker bus tour! It was tons of fun! We sat on the top, and boy was it cold!! But it was still really fun. We went all around the city. Then we went and got some lunch and went to Harrods. That place was HUGE!! And very easy to get lost in! Next we went on a ferry ride. That was pretty cool too! A bit cold, but still fun. Then we went baack to the hotel and headed to bed.

Saturday morning, we got bright and early and headed to the ticket office for some London theatre tickets. We got tickets to see the Lion King. Before the show though, we had all day to see London. We went to Buckingham Palace and saw the changing of the guards. That was pretty cool. Then we went and had lunch, and headed to the Covent Gardens to find Peter Pan! We found him too! Yay! I was super excited! We saw Kensington Palace, where Princess Diana lived, and the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain. After walking around the park, we headed back to the hotel for a break. We took a powernap and rested our feet, and then we went to see the Lion King! It was amazing!! I loved it! Then we headed to the hotel and went to bed.

Sunday morning we got up, and double checked our bags. Then Brad and Barb headed to the airport and I headed to the train station. It was super sad to see them leave! But it was really exciting having them here.

Other then being sick & sleeping all week, I haven't done much. But I'm starting to feel better! So that's exciting news!

Miss you!


1 comment:

Mommy & Daddy said... two, Tiffany & Bradley, are such a Awesome Couple. YOU two just SpArKlE with each other. Glad your home safe, Brad.
We LOVE & MISS YOU<, Tiffany