Tuesday, September 25, 2007

American Food, Scary Caves, && Robin Hood!?

This past weekend, Elizabeth, Leah and I went to Nottingham! It's only about a half-hour away, an hour by train [there's a bunch of little stops].. but we wanted to stay the whole weekend because there's tons of stuff to do!
Friday we got there around 4. We met a girl, who's dad was a taxi driver and was coming to pick her up. When he got there, he offered us a ride in his taxi to our hotel... then he gave it to us for free. :) Our hotel was ok.. just another normal British hotel. A bit small.. with the funny showers. Lol. But whatever! After that we walked to the city center, which was like 3 blocks away.. and we found T.G.I. Friday's!! We went there for dinner and I got STEAK!!! MmmmmmMMM!! It was soo good! And it tasted like real steak! :) After that we walked around a little bit, and finally decided we wanted to go see a movie! We saw "Knocked Up"... funny but a little inappropriate. At home it's rated R, but here you only have to be 15 to see it. Someone told us that in England it's no big deal to hear cuss words or see nudity, but they don't let children see violent movies... a bit odd.. ? After the movie we were a bit wore out so we went to the hotel, and hit the sack!

Saturday, we got up and went to the market. They didn't really have any breakfast so we wernt to McDonald's. After that we wanted to go to the castle. We were told it was like $6.. welll!!! They were having a festival there so it was free!!* We love free stuff! We got to see Robin Hood items, and what the castle looked like back in time and etc. There's caves underneath the castle, and we went in those! It was soo cold down there!, and bit scary @ the same time. But it was still really cool! We hung out at the festival all day.. We saw a group of kids doing a photo shoot and doing back-flips and cool flips off the wall and statues. It was really crazzzy! After the festival, we went a took a quick nap. We were a bit tired from being in the sun all day! We went to Hooters that night for dinner. It's the only Hooters in all of the United Kingdom, so we had to go there! It was quite funny, because we were the only girls in the restraunt besides the waitresses. Finally, after like 20 minutes, a lady came in with her family. But they had two bachelor parties, and a birthday party while we were there. And all the boys looked at us funny. I bought a t-shirt for myself and my daddy. They're quite cute! And now we can match!! :)

Sunday, was our lazy day. We slept in, and then went out for lunch.. We did a little bit of shopping and then headed off to the train station. We wanted to catch a early train, to get back and do homework.
This week hasn't been to interesting. It's a short week this week, tomorrow [Wednesday] is our last day of classes.. and then I'm off to Ireland for the weekend! :) [[Auntie -->watch for the next post!! :)]]

Classes are going ok. Nothing to hard yet.. but the semester seems to be flying by! Before I know it, Brad and Barb will be here, and then it's almost time to come home! Crazy how it's flying by!
Off to study now! More on Monday or Tuesday probably!

Pictures down below are from this weekend in Nottingham!



Trish said...

Hey Tiffany..

Just wanted you to know that we love reading about your adventures... Sounds like you are doing great - of course!(smile)

God Bless!
Aunt Trish, Uncle Rob, Rob & Caity

Mommy & Daddy said...

Wow...Tiffany it looks like Nottingham was full of fun & adventure for you girls. We are enjoying all of your pictures that you are sharing. The cave ones are pretty AweSomE. But, then we just like looking at pic's of you. We MisS YOU.

Love, Mommy,Daddy, Courtney &Chelsey