Sunday, November 11, 2007

Guy Fawkes Bonfie Night!

Hello all! This is going to be a short little blog before my big long Paris blog! Last week on Monday [[nov. 5]] Hailey and I went to school with Sue. She teaches 5-7 years old. She was doing a safety walk with them around town, and needed extra help. The kids all wanted to be our special partner. They loved our accents, and asked us where we were from. They all wanted to know if we talked funny because we were from America. It was way too funny. They were all really cute and showed me all of there loose teeth and the teeth that they had lost. Oh goodness. Can't wait to teach little kids!
Tuesday night, we had a bonfire at school. Monday was Guy Fawkes day. That's the day that he went to parliament and tried to blow it up. It didn't work and he was burned, so now every year they have bonfires in remembrance. Monday was a little busy at school, so we had the bonfire on Tuesday. It was really cool! We had smores and cadbury chocolate covered apples. Yum Yum!

Wednesday was spent finishing up packing and then it was off to Paris! But more on that in the next post.

Hope all is well for everyone at home! See you all soon!

Miss you.

1 comment:

Mommy & Daddy said...

Smores....yum Tiffany. Looks like you guys were having a fun and exciting night. Your pic's turned out great.