Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Just An Update!

Hello everyone! Just a little bit of an update. I'm NOT sick anymore! :) Yay! I feel tons better, ever since my mom sent me medicine from home. Thanks mom!

Last weekend both Leah & Elizabeth were gone so I was stuck at Harlaxton by myself. Really all of my friends were gone. So I spent the weekend sleeping, watching t.v. and reading a book. It was such a relaxing time! And it was nice to be able to relax since I had been sick. A bit of a boring weekend, but a very much welcomed boring weekend.

Leah's parents and grandparents visited this week and last week. It was so much fun getting to meet them! And they brought Leah & I apple cinnamon cheerios! So we had them for breakfast in the morning. Now I have to share some chocalte with Leah. :)

Classes seem to be blazing by.. Projects are due around the same time, and it seems like so much stuff to do in so little time. We only have about 5 weeks left of classes.. It's crazy to think that my time here is almost gone! Don't get me wrong, I am extremely excited to come. I miss my family and friends, and I do miss tons of things about America. But I just feel that there's so much stuff here that I've yet to see!

But, I am off. I have a British Studies exam tomorrow, and a horribly busy rest of the week. But I'll post with tons of pictures from tomorrow night's Black & White Ball! And it's Madonna night @ K Pasa. Woo!

Miss you all!


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Brad && Barb Came To England!

Hello everyone! Sorry this post is a little delayed, but I've been sick this week and have been spending a whole lot of time SLEEPING!! But I'll go back and tell you what's been going on the past couple days.
Friday, the 12th, was spent doing homework and watching t.v. Leah didn't go anywhere either, so the two of us just hung out all day. We did go into town for a little bit and did some window shopping.

Saturday, the 13th, Brad & Barb flew in. They got in really late, so I decided just to meet them on Sun. Leah and I went to the Baptist Church in the morning and then went to the train station after. Leah hung out with me while I waited for Brad and Barb. Once they got here we went to their hotel, and Leah went back to school. After that we walked to town & had some dinner. Then we came to the manor. I gave Brad & Barb the tour of Harlaxton, and then we went back to the hotel. We went and sat in the "spa bath"! It was soo fun & relxing.

The next couple days Brad and Barb traveled around England while I was in classes. Then at night I went back to the hotel and hung out with them.

On Wednesday, I had a field trip for British Studies to Belvoir [[pronounced "Beaver"]] Castle & Southwell. Belvoir Castle was GORGEOUS!! The Duke of Rutland lives there now with his family. And the place.. the place was gorgeous! There was a billion rooms, and they had their own little chapel. And a huuuuuge library! Very jealous! The Southwell place is a workhouse. During the Victorian times they would send poor people there to teach them not to be poor. It was a little boring because all the rooms were empty. But it was still pretty cool to see the whole thing. That night there was a talent show at school and Brad & Barb came to it.

On Thursday after classes, the three of us headed off to London. We got to the hotel, went to dinner, and then headed off to bed.

Friday morning, we woke up, got bfast, and then went on a double decker bus tour! It was tons of fun! We sat on the top, and boy was it cold!! But it was still really fun. We went all around the city. Then we went and got some lunch and went to Harrods. That place was HUGE!! And very easy to get lost in! Next we went on a ferry ride. That was pretty cool too! A bit cold, but still fun. Then we went baack to the hotel and headed to bed.

Saturday morning, we got bright and early and headed to the ticket office for some London theatre tickets. We got tickets to see the Lion King. Before the show though, we had all day to see London. We went to Buckingham Palace and saw the changing of the guards. That was pretty cool. Then we went and had lunch, and headed to the Covent Gardens to find Peter Pan! We found him too! Yay! I was super excited! We saw Kensington Palace, where Princess Diana lived, and the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain. After walking around the park, we headed back to the hotel for a break. We took a powernap and rested our feet, and then we went to see the Lion King! It was amazing!! I loved it! Then we headed to the hotel and went to bed.

Sunday morning we got up, and double checked our bags. Then Brad and Barb headed to the airport and I headed to the train station. It was super sad to see them leave! But it was really exciting having them here.

Other then being sick & sleeping all week, I haven't done much. But I'm starting to feel better! So that's exciting news!

Miss you!


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Wales Pictures!!


Hello Everyone!! Sorry I haven't updated lately.. but my computer hasn't been reading my card so I couldn't post up any pictures!! But it's working now.. so here's my trip to Wales!

We left Friday, October 5th, at 9a.m. We stopped in Chester, England for lunch. Hailey,[[Elizabeth's roomate]] & I went to McDonald's to get some ice cream. It was quite hilarious there because they had burgers that were the "Great Tastes Of America". I'm pretty sure they didn't resemble anything we eat at home! Lol. Then we went to the Cathedral, but didn't go inside, and we walked around the Roman Ruins.. ! It was a pretty little city. After that it was off to Wales! Llandudno, Wales to be exact. It's a cute little beach-side city, that is mainly filled with older people during off seasons. Our hotel was right on the waterfront though. And it was gorgeous!! Hailey, Elizabeth & I walked around and went to a pub for dinner. Everything closes @ 6pm and there wasn't much night life there, so we headed back to the hotel room and headed to bed early.

Saturday, Oct. 6, got up and went to bfast. Full English bfast [[bacon, eggs, sausage, toast.. ]] The food was good, but the service was sucky! we had to Caernarfon Castle then. The castle was very cool! Prince Charles was crowned the Prince of Wales here by his "mum" Queen Elizabeth II. It was a cute little castle... tons of holes to crawl into! After that we went to the LLechwedd Slate Caverns. We got to go into the deep mines, and look around down there. It was cold and dark-- a bit scary!! But it was tons of fun! Us girls went to dinner that night again, and then headed to the beach to splash around and play in the sand. Off to bed early again too!

Sunday, Oct. 7, we got up a bit later and went to bfast. Then we went to see if any of the souvenir shops were open, since they hadn't been open the whole time we were there!! The good news is they were! Yay! After that we headed to the Waterfalls... They were gorgeous!! Not as cool as the ones in Ireland, because we couldn't step in the rocks or anything. But still equally as breathtaking!

All-in-all the weekend was very relaxing and gorgeous!

The picture uploader isn't working on blogspot right now, but i'll add them on here as soon as it starts working!!

Miss you!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Made In The 80's;;

I swear, if only I had been born to live my teenage years in 80's.. I love 80's music!! And I do dance pretty awesome to "Footloose" if I do say so myself. ;) Last night was 80's night in the bistro! The bistro is the bar in the basement at school. Each week they hold different events down there, starting with 80's night! It was so much fun to see everyone all dressed up, and dancing around to 80's music. They didn't play my favorite song, Madonna's "Like A Virgin". But oh well I think I'll live. Me, Leah and Elizabeth all dressed up. Had the leggings, the funky color sports bra.. the weird earrings.. side pony tails, and of course! Blue eyeshadow!! :) We looked very hott! Just wanted to put some pictures up for you!

I leave for Wales tomorrow, so there will be another post around Monday or Tuesday.
Miss You.

Monday, October 1, 2007

**The Luck Of The Irish!**

This past weekend I went to Ireland! It was absolutely beautiful!! I have pictures down at the bottom.. obviously there's TONS more but those are many of the highlights!!

We left on Wednesday night around 6 p.m. We drove from one side of England, to the other side of Wales.. we got there around 1 a.m. We watched a couple movies on the way there, and slept tons!! We caught a ferry from Wales to Ireland around 2 a.m. It was soo cold!! And I slept most of the ferry ride. I did however get up with like a half-hour left, tried to get up and got a bit dizzy so I just laid back down. We went to a little hotel in Rossalaire for breakfast.. it was very good!! We had eggs, bacon [which is really like ham], sausage, toast, and cereal. So it was amazing after our ferry ride! The hotel was right next to the port, so the views were amazing!! After that we got back on the bus to head off to Blarney Castle! The castle was very cool.. but the best part was Kissing the Blarney Stone! It was a little scary, but it wasn't as bad as it looks in pictures! You have to lay down on the castle, hold onto two bars and then slide down and hang upside down. There's a guy holding onto your stomach, and helping you find the stone. Then you kiss it!! It was pretty fun! After the castle we headed to our hotel in Killarney. Leah and I were roommates.. and our hotel was nicer then in England. The shower/bath tub was actually normal and you didn't have to jump out of it [[the England ones are higher off the ground, and you have to basically jump out of them..]] We went to dinner at a little restaurant and then did some souvenir shopping. We were extremely tired so we headed to the hotel early and called it a night.

Friday, we got up and went to breakfast. Again, we had the traditional Irish breakfast. Yay! We went on a tour of the Ring of Kerry. It's a 112-miles tour around the penninsula. We saw so many beautiful views of mountains and of the beach! It was gorgeous!! I saw tons of cows and sheep. The cows made miss Wisconsin! Lol. The sheep had markings on them, our bus driver told us what they meant.. blue=boys, red/pink=girls, green=irish. :) I thought that was funny! Our first stop was in Killorglin. The town is known for it's King Puck festival. They pick a goat, and he is "king Puck" for the three days, this is to celebrate the stampede of goats that warned the town of Cromwell's Army. And it's actually the longest festival in Europe [I believe it was Europe]. Next stop, was Kerry Blog Village. It's a little place that shows how life was like in rural Ireland a long time ago. The Red Roof Inn, which is known for it's Irish coffee is located here. For those of you that don't know, Irish coffee is coffee, Irish whiskey, and cream. Well, it was a very little cup, for 5 euros [[around $7]].. and I don't like coffee so I didn't get any. I did however try another girl's, and I'm quite glad I didn't spend the money on it. It tasted too much like coffee!! Lol. Dingle Bay was the next stop! We stopped on the side of the road and took pictures of the GORGEOUS ocean!! It was so beautiful! We stopped in Waterville next. There's a statue of Charlie Chaplain here. He used to "holiday" here all the time evidently. Leah and I decided to play in the ocean instead! We hiked up our pants, and splashed around in the FREEZING Atlantic Ocean! Now we can both say we've played in the Atlantic Ocean on both sides! We ate lunch a little place there, it was a bit expensive, but it's the only places around for miles! Sneem was our next stop on the tour. The houses are colored different colors. They say there's two reasons for this, number 1 --> so the ships can find their way in @ night. and number 2--> so the irish can find the right house when walking home from the pub. :) Haha. We went to Killarney National Park next. We stopped at the Ladies' View [[Queen Victoria's ladies-in-waiting stopped here during a visit to look at the gorgeous views!]]. It was amazing! There was a wedding party taking pictures here too! So that was slightly funny. We played at the Waterfall for a little bit too. It was soo beautiful!! I loved it there! After we got back to the hotel, Leah and I went to McDonald's for dinner, we figured it would be cheap. Well it wasn't!! Lol. It costed just as much for a meal there as it did anywhere else.. like 7 euros!! Uggggh! They had different food though too.. Double Big Macs [[and they think Americans eat too much!!!]], fish sticks, and orange coca-cola. Weird!! We didn't want to go to the pubs and waste money, so Leah and I hung out in the hotel room after some more shopping.

Saturday- Got up bright and early for breakfast. Then hopped on the bus @ 9am to go to Dublin. We stopped in Nenagh for lunch. When we got to Dublin, Leah and I went to the castle. We weren't too impressed with it, didn't look very much like a castle, so we didn't spend the money to go inside. Then we went to the Guinness factory. We got slightly lost.. lol. We had a map, but the position of the factory on the map didn't add up to the streets. So we weren't really lost.. the factory was just lost! We met some Canadians who were trying to find it too, and they asked some locals how to get there, so we just followed them. We had bought our tickets ahead of time, so we didn't have to wait in line! Thank goodness! It was pretty cool.. you walked around and looked at the different advertisements, different locations, how it's made. You got a free pint as well. We went to Eddie Rocket's for dinner, which was basically like Johnny Rockets if you've ever been there. Then it was time to go gift shopping again! We were walking along the side of the road, minding our own business and talking to each other when some Irish guy yelled at us.. he said "F*** off stupid americans." So we called him an a**hole and kept walking. We went to the gift shop, and then found the Hard Rock Cafe. After that we headed to the hotel and called it an early night again.

Sunday- We got up around 5:45am so we could be at breakfast @ 6. Then we left for the ferry place @ 630. Got on the ferry @ 8:30.. and landed in Wales @ 11:30. Again, I slept the whole way. :) We stopped in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, Wales. It's the city with the longest name in Europe. It means "The Church of Mary in the hollow of the white hazel near the fierce whirpool and the church of Tysilio by the red cave." Let me tell ya, it's a mouth full to try to say!! Haha. We had lunch here, and then got back on the bus and headed off to school! We got back around 6:30pm. We had dinner and then headed off to finish homework and go to bed! Everyone was exhausted! It was an amazing weekend, but it felt so nice to be back "home."

And that was my trip!!

Check out the pictures and leave some comments!!

Miss you all!
