Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Tomorrow.. Tomorrow..


That seems so weird to say.. I leave tomorrow. In less then 24 hours I will be in England. It's quite strange to think that I won't see my family.. my boyfriend.. my friends.. my sorority sisters.. for almost 4 months. And that's really sad.

But I'm really excited! Because I know this is going to be an amazing experience and I can't wait! I'm soo excited to go and experience the culture.. and soak it all in.

I'm sure I'll be a little homesick at first. And I'll miss my everyone.. but I'll get over it. I'm sure.. :) I'll still miss everyone but I'll be so busy having the time of my life.. that time will flyyy by and before I know it, I'll be right back home with my family and friends.

The next post I write.. I'll be in England! :)

I'm off to bed.. Tomorrow is going to be a busy.. busy.. busy day. And very stressful.. and sad... and amazingly exciting!

Goodnight everyone! :)



Mommy & Daddy said...

Hello Tiffany,
Right now you are about 2 1/2 hours flying in the ski some place.
I bet you are chatting with everyone eles that has those awesome "orange tags" on their carry-ons. Making friends already and building friendships that will last you for the rest of your life.
You have fun SweetHeart!!!!!
I look forward to seeing you BeautiFul Face soon on our "web-cams" meetings. Wow....God is Good. When your daddy was gone for months & years at a time I only had letters. Now we have this wonderful "web-cam" so we can see you.
Have a Great day on Firiday when you start getting settled.
We LoVe YoU, Tiffany.
All our LoVe and PraYers,
Mommy & Daddy

Mommy & Daddy said...

Tiffany this is Grandma. I was thinking about you at 5:30 knowing that you were boarding that plane. Hoping that you beat the storm. I know you are going to have a GrEaT DaY tomorrow. I am already missing you but I know I will get over it. Have a Good day tomorrow.

Love Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma & Grandpa said...

Ooops...Tiffany that 2nd note was from Grandma...Sorry. Know I have grandma & grandpa account set up for them.

Laura Kathleen said...

4 months will go by faster than you know. I've already been here just about 3 1/2!! I can't imagine if I was going to be leaving My parents are actually coming on my 4-month day! I'm SUPER excited!! And, just having glanced at the other comments on here, YAY webcam meetings with parents! That's how I do it, too!! Yay :)

Anonymous said...

Tiffany, lad to hear you finally made it to England. Hope you have a great semester. Will try to keep in touch.
Kevin, Missy, Kaitlyn and Nicole